Paladin CoronaTime Meditation Homework for Credits and How To Do It!
goodbye stress. goodbye blues. goodbye bacteria & virus* Hello full on neurological brain coming 100% on board!!!
Ancient knowledge and modern neurological science & the innate human compulsion for true knowledge hit a successful crossroads in this breathing technique. “Know thyself!” says Aescelus, plato, socrates, countless mystics, and this applies to regular people like you and me! Or are we so regular if we practice this breathing sequence that turns the entire brain on?
There is science coming to light in our powers of accessing our brain potential in full; and therefore our human potential, also, in full. How extraordinary to utilize what we take for granted as ordinary.
what is also most exciting is that trying this technique out, experimenting with our own personal experience, is in line with Paladin’s experiential approach to learning! There are social, scientific, psychological and physiological aspects, all, in this study and bringing it to personal experience is a remarkable chance to realize something new.
During this time of the Corona Virus we sure are in an experimental, experiential and existential time. What is necessary? what is essential? I say you are! Your experience of you is the place to dive in and has value beyond measure. in the meantime, you can get credits, too!
FOUR steps to take!
Watch the following 2 videos below, If you have not already
Download the Wim Hoff Method app on to your smartphone or tablet, if you have one available (If you do not have one available, we can adjust and email or text. The app is 100% free for this exercise and has paid content if so desired, above and beyond the breathing bubble exercise, but is not required nor being recommended
Note changes in your mood, sleep, health, calm, energy levels, stress levels in a paperbound notebook or electronic notebook
Take daily screenshots and email those or text or the screenshots of your full half-hour segments. OTHERWISE, ANOTHER MANUAL METHOD IS ALSO AVAILABLE IF PHONE OR TABLET TECHNOLOGY IS NOT AVAILABLE
STEP 1: Please start The first video at the 12:30 minutes in, till about 14:30 minutes, then move on to the second summary video below. the thumbnail for both videos are emphasizing the full effect on the brain is at the HALF HOUR marker in the breathing practice itself. to achieve this goal of activating the deepest part of the brain, one must do the technique for a full 30 Minutes! shorter practice times also benefit us, but not to the full 100% reach into our brain tissue.
We see the first video at 12:30 to 14:00 minutes so we understand that all 16,000 succeeded, for clarity, in overcoming having any ecoli symptoms after being injected & then doing this practice as compared to getting very sick without the breathing and having the antidote given in the first trIal, without the breathing. There are multiple other benefits, but specifically, it is noteworthy in early 2020, that 16,000+ people were each successful in overcoming a virulent disease, in hours, by doing this breathing sequence and not needing any medical antidote. We all can be this successful, too. We’re biologically built to overcome all sorts of stress and this breath sequence is like a universal key. (((*disclaimer here: in light of the current coronavirus event of 2020, even if doing this breathing sequence daily, continue with social distancing, sanitizing, following the state recommendations, etc.))) Once the whole world gets on with breathing in this way every day, perhaps we will have one healthy happy human party of intelligent minds, happy hearts, and healthy bodies living fully without the limitations of so many modern day diseases. Being healthy as a community is revolutionary. When endorphins are spilling through the body like a gentle rain with sunlight in it’s droplets, naturally, it is hard to be upset at the same time, and why would we?
The following 2nd video is a very important 10 minute summary, especially the last 3 minutes describing how the same amount of adrenaline is found in our blood as if we did our first bungee jump! Time to Turn Our Brains On! And Let’s Get Paladin Credits!
STEP 2: Download the app onto your smartphone or tablet. The app looks like this:
Once you are finished downloading and creating your sign in, using your email (I think this is easiest, rather than social media links) you will look for the guided breathing bubble that looks like this:
To begin with, do it with audio. Each round has three segments.
While on an empty stomach, sitting or laying down (not while driving or swimming, nor in water)
1. Breathing fully in, and letting go, 30 x
2. Holding the breath out for as long as you can, tap the screen.
3. Breathe in deeply and hold that in breath for 15 seconds.
That is “ONE ROUND” doing these three segments. Do this for a full half hour. Depending on how long the outbreath is, this can be anywhere from 4 rounds to 12 or 13 or 14 rounds. The longer you hold the outbreath, the fewer the rounds. Different outcomes on different days.
1. 30 x (times) breathe in deeply and let it go
2. Breathe out. Hold as long as you can the “out breath hold out”
3. Gasp in, hold for 15 seconds. “Push into head“ feeling
4. Repeat for 30 full minutes with attention to full breaths in and letting go, holding and repeating until your 30 minute timer goes off = 100% brain on!
This key 🔑 sequence turns 100 % brain on. Body tingles. Do as many times in one day as you feel is desired. At least 1x.
STEP 3: Take daily screenshots and email those or text those screenshots of your full half-hour segments. If this is not possible, due to lack of a working smartphone or tablet, let’s make other arrangements via email, paper notebook, phone, mail, etc. Grace’s Paladin Ph: 612-440-1148
STEP 4: Note changes in your mood, sleep, health, calm, energy levels, stress levels, focus. Keep a paperbound notebook or an online notebook or some method to keep your notes and further research on this topic in one place.
If you wish to look deeper into the Wim Hof Method or other neurological studies on meditation, that can all become a part of a self-guided project that can be put towards more credit. If you groove on this practice, what an amazing life-skill you are developing that will follow you and pay you dividends for the rest of your life in countless ways. What ways might you notice it’s benefits? You can keep a temporary or even a lifelong journal and put that towards a greater personal or eductational endeavor all the way up to a PH.D Thesis. You never know!